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Retro Rumble
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User Guide
May 26, 2023
Zack Pianta
Description A simple platforming fighting game where two players can try to obtain victory. Easy controls make this game easy to pick up and play quickly with different maps, environmental elements an...
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May 26, 2023
Zack Pianta
How well does Retro Rumble compare to its original concept? The first major change was actually deciding the amount of player in the game, originally it was just slated as multiplayer but no player nu...
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Week 5: Particle Time
May 22, 2023
Zack Pianta
Powerup Particles & Trails This week saw this addition of particles to indicate when a player has a powerup active. The player now has two trail renderers and two particle systems attached. These are...
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Week 4: Pounded!
May 22, 2023
Zack Pianta
Ground Pound To get ground pound working meant reworking the entire ground check system. Instead of using the dot product to check if the player is grounded, a series of three raycasts shot downward f...
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Game Testing
May 16, 2023
Zack Pianta
Retro Rumble Compete against your friends using projectiles, power-ups and the environment around you to secure victory. Genre: Casual, Fighting, Retro Target Audience: Everyone Please submit this tes...
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Week 3: Powered Up!
May 16, 2023
Zack Pianta
Power-ups This week saw the addition of four new power-ups; speed boost, jump boost, damage boost and a health pack. The three boost all follow the same methodology of a script that takes in two custo...
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Week 2: More Stuff!
April 28, 2023
Zack Pianta
Given that this game doesn't follow the regular weekly development format, this week I worked on a lot of different feature implementation instead of level blocking, as that will come much later once...
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Player Movement
April 23, 2023
Zack Pianta
Intro Welcome to the first proper devlog for Retro Rumble. This week was all about player movement but also a couple of extra things to get that running smoothly. Currently all the sprites for this ga...
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Concept Log
April 13, 2023
Zack Pianta
Working Title Retro Rumble Concept Statement In Retro Rumbles player will compete against each other using projectiles, power-ups, and the environment around them to secure victory. Genre Casual, Retr...
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